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Showing posts from May, 2017


Common name:  Chamomilla, German chamomile, Chamomile, Wild chamomile • Urdu: Roghan babunah, Gul-babunah  Botanical name:  Matricaria chamomilla     Family:  Asteraceae  (Sunflower family) Synonyms:  Chamomilla recutita Chamomilla is an annual herb 8–60 cm tall. The plant is aromatic when bruised. Stems are erect or rising, branched. Leaf blades are 0.5-7.8 cm long, very narrow, needle or thread-like. Flower-heads are daisy-like, 1-1.5 cm across, borne singly on long stalks, 2-5 cm. The central disk is yellow and prominently convex, obovoid or spheroid to ovoid. Ray florets are 14–26, white, 7-8.5 mm long, 2.4-3.3 mm wide. As the flower ages, the ray florets start pointing up. Chamomilla is native to Europe. Medicinal uses:   Chamomilla is a widely recognized herb in Western culture. Its medicinal usage dates back to antiquity where such notahles as Hippocrates, Galen, and Asclepius made written reference to it. A common ingredient today in herbal teas because of its calming

Cassia Sophera

Common name:   Sophera Senna •   Hindi : कसौंडा Kasaunda, कसौंडी Kasaundi •   Manipuri : থৌনম Thounam •   Marathi : Kashawada • Tamil: Poonaverie •   Telugu: Pydee tanghadu   Botanical name:   Senna sopher a      Family:   Caesalpiniaceae  (Gulmohar family) Synonyms:   Cassia sophera, Cassia torosa Sophera Senna is an annual undershrub found throughout India and in most tropical countries. It is common in waste lands, on roadsides and in the forests. It grows up to 0.5-2 m high, soon becoming woody. The larger leaves are 7-18 cm long, usually with 6-8 pairs of leaflets, the largest blades are lancelike or ovate-acuminate and up to 7 x 2 cm. The 4-10-flowered racemes have yellow flowers with roundish petals. The pods are erect, cylindric or linear-ellipsoid, and usually 6-9.5 x 0.7-1 cm. In some parts of India, the leaves are eaten after boiling to remove disagreeable smell and flavor.

Asclepias Syriaca

Abroma Augusta